Duration: 2 days (weekend)
Start date and times: May 4 Saturday from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Sunday from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Spots: 12
Price: €90
Requirements: No prior laboratory knowledge is required.

The objective is to learn the basic techniques of taking photographs with traditional film (photographic reels), developing negatives and obtaining high-quality black and white digital copies from those negatives. 

Since this is an eminently practical course, each participant must bring an analog camera.

To simplify the collective process, we will all use the same film model: Black and white negative: Kodak Tri-X, TMax400, Ilford HP5 or Ilford Delta 400. Color negative: 400 ISO.

The first part of the workshop will take place entirely at NADA CARRETE, an analog laboratory with which we collaborate.  We will dedicate ourselves to working on taking photographs with the model in a portrait session, both in black and white and in color in the studio and outdoors, with natural and also artificial light. 

In the afternoon, we will prepare the chemicals and develop all the film rolls from the session.

The morning of the next day will be dedicated to filing the negatives, scanning them with a digital camera and processing them. We will make a commented edition of all the works. 

Types and applications

Photography session with model
Starting approach
Understanding light and film

Stop bath

Taking photographs with “analogue” material
Developing and archiving negatives
Scanning with a digital camera
Image processing
Editing students' work

* The reels must be provided by the students, as well as the color development costs.

Valentin Lujan (Torrehermosa Farm, Badajoz, 1964). A biologist at the beginning of his career, he has worked as a professional photographer since 1998. He has received training from great photographers such as Cristina García Rodero, Antoine d'Agata, Paulo Nozolino, Patrick Zachmann, Navia, Tino Soriano and Jeffrey Silverthorne. His professional field is linked to street reporting, portraiture, advertising and industrial photography and social reporting. Its most frequent clients are private companies, individuals, advertising agencies and Public Administrations. Color development costs.