Duration: 2 days
Dates: March 16 & 17
Saturday 10:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. & 4:30-8:30 p.m. Sunday 10:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
Spots: 12
Registration: €160
In this workshop we will delve in a very practical way into the origins of photography, with the help of one of the great camera obscura photographers.
We will discuss with him the different possibilities that exist in photography, but that photographers never or rarely use today.
We will create images using manual labor, fantasy and human creativity, to which we will add a little energy and some basic materials (boxes, cans, chemicals and photographic paper)
This workshop is based on two ancient photographic techniques: The photogram and pinhole photography (camera obscura). In addition to these two primary techniques we will experiment using:
"Pinogram" technique, a combination of these two techniques.
Calorigram Technique: a frame created solely with heat energy.
"Naturogram" Technique: A new way of developing images, using different objects and photo-developers, and new possibilities of creating photographic images using the imagination.
human and manual labor.
Saturday morning
1. Presentation of the workshop and exhibition of some photos...
2. Preparation of the chambers, painting the inside of the boxes black, drilling the holes...
3. Creation of the first frame.
4. Perform some tests to determine the exposure time and developing them (negatives), finish preparing the cameras.
5. Work on different themes: architectural photography, self-portrait and other objects.
6. Development of negatives.
Saturday afternoon
7. Creation of a "pinogram", a mixture of pinhole and photogram techniques: Photograph objects (that the students will have brought from home) inside the cameras
8. Revealing the negatives
9. Creating photograms and calorigrams: participants who have these materials can try it and combine the two techniques, photogram with light and calorigram, using only heat. We will create images that include both techniques on a single paper.
10. We will begin to reveal some positives from the first series of negatives.
Sunday morning
11. Revealing of the positives, some positives will be revealed with the naturogram technique, using objects and different chemicals.
12. Creation of the third frame. Reveal of the same.
Ilan Wolff (Nahariya, Israel 1955). Freelance photographer since 1981 and creator of large format works with camera obscura. His work is closely linked to the origins of photography, and is present in numerous museums and institutions around the world. It has been exhibited at the Long Island Museum, New York, the Palais de Tokyo, Paris, and the Kursaal in San Sebastian, among others. He travels the world with a van, which he uses as a camera obscura, and is based in Seyssel, France.