Valentín Luján


Duration: 2 consecutive weeks
Start date: Tuesday, March 5
Hours: Tuesday and Thursday from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Spots: 12
Registration: €90

The objective of this course is to know and put into practice the different techniques and conceptual content associated with street photography.

To this end, theoretical-practical sessions will be held in the classroom, where the aforementioned techniques will be addressed and the work of some of the great masters in this subject will be reviewed. These sessions will alternate with outings around the city where participants will have the opportunity to put these contents into practice, first observing the teacher at work and then undertaking a series of exercises themselves proposed by him.

Fast and effective methods of photometry and focusing.
The hyperfocal distance.
The right equipment.
Analog versus digital.
Color versus BN.
The use of flash.
Ambient light.
Location of exteriors.
Location of objectives.
Approach strategies: “invisibility” and photographic hunting.
The stolen photo in front of the consented portrait.
Considerations of an ethical and moral nature.
The right to one's own image and freedom of expression.
Summary of the Intellectual Property Law aimed at photographers.
Review of the work of some of the great masters of street photography.
Theoretical-practical session in the classroom. Introduction to street photography.  Watching videos of great photographers in action. Photographic technique applied to street photography. Practical exit.

Theoretical-practical session in the classroom. Viewing and comments on the photos taken the previous day. Techniques and tricks. Practical session on the street.
Practical session on the street. Application of the learned techniques. Emulating the greats.
Practical session on the street. Theoretical-practical session in the classroom. Viewing and comments on photos taken on previous days as well as during non-school hours.

Valentin Lujan (Torrehermosa Farm, Badajoz, 1964). A biologist at the beginning of his career, he has worked as a professional photographer since 1998. He has received training from great photographers such as Cristina García Rodero, Antoine d'Agata, Paulo Nozolino, Patrick Zachmann, Navia, Tino Soriano and Jeffrey Silverthorne. His professional field is linked to street reporting, portraiture, advertising and industrial photography and social reporting. Its most frequent clients are private companies, individuals, advertising agencies and Public Administrations.