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In CP, we have always liked to combine photography with the world of enology. We love the photography-wine binomial. 

Therefore, we want our photobooks to be well accompanied in our space and as of this October 2019 we follow a different concept of bookstore: LA VIBLIOTECA

Our spirit has always been to combine books that have had their journey, that breathe and transmit: first editions, rarities ... And we want the wines that accompany them are also special wines, wines with soul, alive. For this, we count on a exclusive selection of natural wines from our geography. 

In our space you can buy this selection and enjoy throughout the year the different meetings we schedule: tastings, book presentations, book-wine pairings ...

If you wish to be part of this place come and meet him and enjoy it. 

Our schedule is: Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.