© Valentín Luján


3 weeks
Start dates:
Monday February 12. (The class on Wednesday, February 28, a holiday, is moved to Monday, March 4)
Monday, May 13.
Hours: Monday and Wednesday from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Registration: €160
Spots: 12
Requirements: Analog or digital SLR camera, or compact camera with manual mode and built-in zoom. NO prior knowledge is required. The course starts from scratch.
Objectives: Introduce participants to the world of photography in an easy, practical and enjoyable way. Promote the use of photography as a tool of expression, and know the techniques and materials necessary for the use and enjoyment of photography.

·       Analysis of previous ideas and expectations.
·       The origin: Light and its properties. Image formation.
· The photographic camera. Understand and master the camera.
· The objectives.
·       Shutter speed and aperture. The depth of field.
·       The measurement of light.
·       The automatisms of the camera. Which is the best.

  • Photographic language
    Learning to compose
    How to read a photograph
    Black and White

  • Photographic styles
    Street photography

  • Activities
    Theoretical contents, Photography projections, Video viewing.
    Comments on photographs, Photographic outings, Non-face-to-face exercises that can be viewed in the classroom, Each section will be illustrated with projections and will consist of a theoretical and practical part.

  • Detailed analysis of the properties of light applied to photography
    Natural light
    Artificial light
    Flash light
    Understand and master flash.

  • The flash built into the camera. Optimal use.

  • Reporting flashes (separable from the camera).

  • Use of reporting flashes as study spotlight.

Easy resources to control the light and/or modify it at our convenience. Photoshop. Practical and easy. Tricks and tips.

  • Activities

Theoretical contents, photography projections, video viewing.
Comments on photographs, Photographic outings, Non-face-to-face exercises that can be viewed in the classroom. 
Each section will be illustrated with projections and will consist of a theoretical and practical part.

Valentin Lujan (Torrehermosa Farm, Badajoz, 1964). A biologist at the beginning of his career, he has worked as a professional photographer since 1998. He has received training from great photographers such as Cristina García Rodero, Antoine d'Agata, Paulo Nozolino, Patrick Zachmann, Navia, Tino Soriano and Jeffrey Silverthorne. His professional field is linked to street reporting, portraiture, advertising and industrial photography and social reporting. Its most frequent clients are private companies, individuals, advertising agencies and Public Administrations.